Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010 Thanksgiving Outreach - Planning Meeting

We will be meeting on Thursday, August 12 6:00 p.m. at Ms Cookie's Cookin' 1010 S Kentucky Avenue (the old Evans Cafe) If you are able to make it to the meeting, Ms. Cookie takes cash only, and dinners are $8 a plate.

The purpose of this meeting is to start putting together teams for the 2010 Thanksgiving Outreach. If you aren't able to attend, but would like to be part of the Outreach, please let me know in what area you are interested in serving.

We need help with the following:
securing donations (food and monetary)
organizing volunteers
getting the word out to the community
designing flyers and promotional materials

The week of the Outreach, we will need help prepping food, and we will need help all day on 11/25 prepping, serving, and cleaning up.