Monday, June 14, 2010

2010 Garvin Park Outreach - What I've learned in the last few days

The last 5 days have been a whirlwind. I got word Thursday morning that my uncle Bob had been in a motorcycle accident involving a deer. As the day progressed, his condition worsened. I left work a bit early to head to Indy to be with my family, but was very reluctant to go because we were supposed to pass out flyers on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Somewhere between Vincennes and Terre Haute, I totally gave this Outreach over to God. There was nothing else I could do, and realized that no matter how much of a control freak I am, at that very moment it didn't matter. I had to trust in the Lord, Viq, Christy Johnson, Kat Isbell, Sara Woodard, and Patty Vanoven to accomplish this without me. I'm sure it didn't go the way I wanted it to, but I'm also sure it went the way HE wanted it to.

My uncle Bob passed away at 6:30 CT on Friday morning. He has left behind three wonderful teenage children and his wife of 22 years. Also, his sister (my mom), his older brother, and my Papaw. There is something absolutely gut wrenching about explaining to an 82 year old man that he will be burying his perfectly healthy 45 year old son, less than a year after he has buried his wife of 55 years.

I found out that the visitation is Friday evening, and the funeral is Saturday afternoon. Yes, the exact times that we will be at the Outreach. I spoke with my aunt and uncle and explained the situation. I was so torn, wishing I could be in two places at once. If they weren't Christians, I wouldn't have done this, but I decided to continue with the Outreach. It would be much harder to miss the Outreach than the funeral. I drove back yesterday morning for church, because I needed to be there. I needed to worship, and sit in the lap of my Father. I was still a bit unsure of my decision. There were baptisms at church yesterday, which always make me cry. It was then that I realized my decision was the right one. That's what it's about guys-saving lost people. My uncle couldn't be "saved", but he was saved by Amazing Grace. We don't know who will show up on Saturday, but I can guarantee there will be at least ONE unsaved person. And if all of this is for just one, then it's worth it.

I want to share some concerns. This Outreach has had SO MANY obstacles, since day one. There was the insurance policy issue. There is the lack of volunteers and donations. Right now, I'm having problems with discernment. Is this a sign that we aren't supposed to do the Outreach, or is this another obstacle to go around? Thanksgiving seemed so easy in comparison to this Outreach. Is that because it isn't supposed to happen, because the Lord is trying to teach me something, or because the enemy doesn't want it to happen? It's so hard to tell right now. I'm not giving up, not yet. The Lord knows my heart, and he knows my determination. For now, the Outreach will go on. I have a feeling that at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, I'll know the answers to these questions.

Please continue to pray for this Outreach. Pray like you haven't before. If you feel called to volunteer or donate, please do so. We're SO FAR behind right now, I'm terrified. But, I'm learning to just give it up to Him and see what He does with it. He knew how it was going to turn out before we ever even had the idea. And please pray for me as I go through the next 5 days. I don't grieve the way I probably should. I expect this week to be hard.

We still need volunteers for Friday evening food prep and all day Saturday. As far as food, we really need individual bags of chips/snacks (peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, etc), potato salad, cole slaw, and desserts.

Thanks in advance.


  1. I love you and I love the heart that God has given you Amy. We will get through this. God will send His angels to lift you up and even you will be amazed! HE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! There is a reason for all of this. You will touch someone that needs only YOUR touch. You may not even know it until you reach Heaven and you see that person but I promise there is a person a very special person that you must connect with! I love you honey.

  2. I can bake a few cakes for you if you still need desserts.

    My email is

    Let me know how I can get them to you.
